January is almost over and here I am, finally, back. The New Year sort of swept me off my feet, wait, that's not quite right, strike that...swept my feet out from under me, yep that is it, that is how it felt. Nothing really changed in my schedule, in fact, with the holidays behind us and my qualifying month for Pampered Chef accomplished, I had less on the calendar. And yet....
BUT, our God is good and faithful to pursue us. I finally shook off the fog and looked to Him and He had plenty to say, you better believe it!
So, I was pondering what to post and since I am getting it in under the wire in January, resolutions came to mind...
What are YOUR resolutions...? Most people have things in their life that they know need to go, or to be tamed at least! What are your's? If you care to share...
I don't have anything too earth-shattering... I got on a pretty good work-out schedule last year in February, so I want to continue that this year because I am feeling much healthier, and stronger, not thinner or 'lighter' but more comfortable and I like that! (And my husband likes it, too!) :)
Aside from that, I think this Scripture sums up the rest of my resolve;
"And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly
To love mercy
and To walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8)
I hope some of you will share your resolutions, it can be a tad scary to share them, to actually speak them out loud (or in print) because then you are even more accountable for them, it seems. But don't worry, in a week or so this post will be forgotten and I vow not to bring it back to haunt you!
Be encouraged! Be strengthened!
Be blessed!
In Him, with Love~