I know, right?! You are thinking, What? Why? Are you crazy?
I was reviewing my Scripture cards and this one took a hold of me:
He will redeem my soul in peace from the battle which is against me.
Psalm 55:18a
The first part is self-explanatory. Love it. Thank You, Lord. You will redeem my soul... ahhh. In peace. Amen.
Now the second part, "from the battle which is against me." Yes, there is a battle. Against us.
Unfortunately I am usually caught unawares and get all distracted by the the things on the way to redemption. It's like those cheesy little tiny, barely moving 'rides' that sit out side of department stores. Cost a quarter. I get my eye on one of those and have a hissy fit over it when my God is trying to lead me past it into Disneyland! You know?! I know, I know, you don't throw hissy fits, but I do...unfortunately!
Or..., begging for a nasty grocery store doughnut on the way to Krispy Kreme! (Yes, I said "nasty"!)
One of my first experiences of this, the first time it hit me with so much clarity anyway, (because I am sure God has many more stories of times when I had a tantrum over a FreezePop when he wanted to take me to 31 Flavors -Hello!- yah, I detest FreezePops, you can make up your own comparisons!) was several years ago in our first house
(which is a whole other story of me demanding my way and God giving it to me and later I whined about that house for too long...its embarrassing!) The house had gotten one of those quick cover-up makeovers, just good enough to get a sucker to insist her husband buy it because all of the other houses we had looked at were scary dumps that needed a lot of work and we were literally about to have a baby. And at the time I thought the absolute worst thing would be to have to have it in my brother in law's house, where we were living temporarily. (Not temporarily enough for my poor brother in law who had NO idea what kind of mess he has signed up for when he let us move in with him, and when I say "with", I mean we took over his house and pushed him into one bedroom and likely made him feel uncomfortable in his own house. I am still mortified at the thought of it and hope he has blocked that time out of his mind... he seems to have b/c he doesn't visibly flinch when he sees us coming. He probably still does have to take a big breath and steel himself for it though! Ah, well, what can I say? I am sorry, Mikey!) Back to my story, so this house had those peel and stick floor tiles, the cheap ones. So after living on them for about two seconds, they began to break down and glue seeped up and grabbed every bit of dirt that went by, which was A LOT, we had a dirt backyard and two little boys. Ugh.
So, one day, I was on my hands and knees scrubbing that floor, which didn't make a whole lot of difference anyway, and hating the floor, and talking to myself about the beautiful floor I would have someday. And that voice in my heart said,
What if you never have a beautiful floor on this earth?
And I realized the dream to dream of was the city of gold and crystal and jewels in heaven and not only that but I won't have to scrub those! Maybe it sounds silly to you, but it was big moment for me and my God! He may call it something of a break-though!
Eternal perspective! It can be a life-saver!
So hopefully the next time I am splashing around in the kiddie pool and God is calling me to the Ocean, I will remember the battle against me and come running to peace for redemption of my soul.
And I pray it for you as well. :) xoxo
And this last one, well, it speaks for itself, doesn't it? How could I come across such a gem and not share it with you?! Phoebe has her own style, and she always has. She got herself ready this day(2005 or 6), and I don't know about you, but if I could put myself together as well, I'd be thrilled! I absolutely adore her!