Friday, April 13, 2012

March into April

We are now the Formerly of MT Macs. (yay!)
Our journey to a foreign land has ended, and though we realize this land is also not our true Home, it feels so much closer to it because we are with our precious family again.
God blessed with 5+ years in Mt, He worked His magic hands on us while we were there and we wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Precious friendships were made. And though we loved and appreciated our family before we moved, we did, unknowingly, take for granted that we could see them whenever. So our appreciation of them has deepened.
When we and our U-Haul arrived the beginning of March, we split girls to my parents and boys to John's parents. We got the boys into school and the days and weeks ticked by. Finally, the beginning of April we moved into the house! Reunited and it feels so good!
The girls and I are finally back on a decent school schedule and making up time lost with extra lessons.
Jacob is in track and loves it. He also is trying some youth groups and enjoyed WyldLife this week. Nate is transitioning well and has been going to a youth group that old Boise friends attend.
We tried out a new church with some old friends, that was great, like being welcomed home.
We are here and ready to be here.

I do miss my dear friends in Mt, and when I get a job I will miss my old one at Brewster's, but right now I am enjoying sleeping in, which is lessening and lessening. When I was staying at my parents' I was sleeping in until almost 8 every day. I tried to feel guilty but I couldn't... After however many yrs of getting up early to be at work about 6 to open the coffee shop. And then living a month without John and single-parenting and trying to pack the house... oy. So I slept in. Now I am getting up just before 6, and it feels good. We are all sleeping well in the new house.
We are getting more and more settled in every week. There are fun things to do, like paint, work in the yard, plant a garden. I wish I could have my Miles City girlfriends over to chat and laugh or walk or meet at the park, etc.
We finally found the camera charge cord, so pics will come. The packing/unpacking thing... yah, I can do without that for quite a while. Like in about 15 yrs. Ha-ha.
I am looking forward to seeing family more, getting together with girlfriends, too. I have a kind of ready-made circle here with Sara, Joanna, Hallie, and Amber. Fun, fun! Plus re-connecting with other old friends...:)
God is so sweet, our life continues to be a testimony of His graciousness, as in UNdeserved favor. Undeserved. So u.n.d.e.s.e.r.v.e.d.


Bwynnie said...

Still doesn't seem real! Love saying "see you later" and being able to just "pop over"!! xox

TheBulock6 said...

So glad you guys are settling in ok!
P.S. Penny is going to have some brothers and sisters soon:)