Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Psalm 119:17 says, "Deal bountifully with Thy servant, that I may live and keep Thy word."

In my quiet time this a.m., I was talking this bountiful scripture over with my sweet, bountiful Lord, and realizing how I can neither "live" nor "keep His word" without His bountiful dealings with me. And that He has. If bountiful didn't already mean:
liberal in bestowing gifts, favors, or bounties; munificent; generous. abundant; ample.
 (Don't you love it when you look up a word and then you have to look up a word in the definition of the first word that you looked up?! That does happen to other people besides just me, right? Humor me and tell me that has happened to you, please?! HA! I had to look up "munificent" and it means; extremely liberal in giving; very generous. characterized by great generosity: a munificent bequest ....Hm. Anyone know what 'bequest' means? Ah, well, this could go on and on... nevermind. Back to the point...)
You don't need to, nor can you, expand on 'bountiful!' I mean, come on, it is defined by 'munificent!' WOW!
So, further into my morning, His bountiful dealings are all that I can think about. Beautiful bounty all around me...
I pray that I will never lose sight of His bountiful dealings with me. And, Beloved, I pray that you are able to see how He has dealt bountifully with you! 
Love you!
Have a beautiful, bountiful day!

1 comment:

B.D.Riehl said...

I was headed to look up that very word as soon as I was finished with your post:) You are my own Beautiful reminder of His bountiful blessings, friend. Love ya:)