Sunday, May 10, 2009

Another Happy Mother's Day

                                                                                                                                                     Had another great Mother's Day! I remember my 'first' Mother's Day, I was just a couple of months pregnant with my first. Also got to go to a Mother's Day Tea that year at church. Sweet memories, but LOVE being where I am in motherhood. Sure, I do the pouty lip to John whenever the baby thing comes up, but I actually love the stage we are in. And my babies are awesome. :)
So, see my beautiful delightful breakfast pic above? Pretty, huh? (Thanks, hunny!) And my babies brought me breakfast and treasures in bed. They all sat on the bed with me and jostled for my attention to see what they had for me. Cards and made in school treasures. Then the tradition is to ask for bites from my tray, even though there is the same aplenty in the kitchen, as Daddy tries to tell them over and over again. "Don't eat Mommy's, there is more in the kitchen. Watch out! Don't spill Mommy's juice!" It's quite comical. Then we all got cleaned up and headed to Billings for the day. It was fun! We made an ice cream stop... Mmmmm. One rule in Billings, we don't eat anything we have in Miles City... which, believe me, doesn't narrow down the choices by much at all. HA!

And what I know, is that anything my sweet children love in me or think is lovely about me is only in the places and ways that Christ shines through me, all glory to Him alone. Thank You, my Beloved Savior. 

"I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge" (Ephesians 3:18,19)

1 comment:

B.D.Riehl said...

Tears in my eyes, friend. I only hope to be half the Mommy in my life that I've seen you be. Love you, friend. Miss you lots!