Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Mommy, I picked these for you!"


It has begun, the flowers (and weeds) are blooming and we have cups of them sitting on the counter and they are being refreshed almost every day. 
I LOVE that I get to be the mommy. My babies come to me with their treasures and almost every time they have been outside, they bring a handful of flowers... to me. To me! I get to be the recipient of the beauty they find. I love that. I love that I get to be these amazing creations of God's mommy. I also love that they don't know the flowers they bring are ...(shhh) weeds, and that Daddy is trying to kill them. Who decided to put a flower in the weed catagory anyway?! It is so sweet that they are so surprised a few hours later when the dandelions don't look so pretty anymore and are closed up. "Mommy, why are they dying?" Phoebe asked Daddy if she could plant hers in some dirt so they would live, and when he told her no because they don't have roots, next time she picked a little deeper and brought me flowers with roots! :) 
I think it has been a while since Jacob has brought me dandelions, but he did bring me the sprig laying in front of the jar, it has some beautiful, tiny, pink blossoms on it.  And, another step in the passage of time, (I will not interject the word 'sadly' in there, I refuse to let his growing up into the man God intends to be called a sad thing! *sniff*) Nate doesn't bring me flowers anymore, I don't know when he stopped, maybe this is the first year, or maybe I just finally realized. But that is just fine. He is so amazing, I adore him. And I get to be his mom. :) 
Did I mention that I love that?!



B.D.Riehl said...

ooooh. I love it:) I agree: who decided weeds are weeds anyway? I whole-heartedly agree with goat heads being considered a weed. But dandelions and other such beauties? Seriously. I think there is a life lesson there somewhere :) So sweet, friend, thanks for sharing.

Amy and Cole said...

Oh my goodness that is so sweet!!! That is just priceless!

Vicki Banta said...

Beautifully written and oh so sweet! I know why Mother's Day is in May... All the flowers make a momma happy, especially when their "babies" bring them flowers. I love your heart.

Anonymous said...

you'll probably find the stuff they say when they are older will make you just as happy as the flowers. As they grow, they can actually say what they think & how they feel. my mother's day letter from jer made me cry. it was just like weed-flowers. :-)~paj