Saturday, October 27, 2007

"Tag ~ MeMe"

We have been tagged ~ this means a friend, my sweet and precious friend, Vicki, has named us in her blog to answer the request she was tagged to answer! This Tag was to tell seven true things about ourselves.
So, let's see...
1) We love to watch movies repeatedly and then quote them to each other.
2)I, Adrian, am a 70's music junkie. It is like a happy pill to me. John groans,I get giddy.
3) John likes 80's music, and any junk food, calls his pop 'soda', spoils me, loves working with his hands, can name any car year, make and model in about three seconds and is a Chicago Bears die hard fan (he was born there and his Dad was born and raised there).
4) John and I did not get to go to our senior prom together because he wanted to go with someone who wasn't just a friend, but someone he might have a future with! HA!(No, we had not begun to date yet, yes- i already loved him and wanted to marry him)
5)I LOVE CALVIN AND HOBBES, it makes me belly laugh!!!!!
6)I played the violin from 3rd grade through 8th grade and now dream of brushing back up on it and being able to play with an orchestra!
7)John's truth offered for the list is that he is the most easy-going person you could ever meet. True! While I can't say I have always appreciated this character trait, I am thankful for it and do believe it is the only explanation for his being able to put up with me all these years!! TRUE!
And for my tagging, my friends and family who do not yet blog, can please enter their tag here under mine in comments!(or let me know where yours will be!) :) Tag~ Jamie Treu, Stephanie, Sheri,
my Mom, Mike and Amber, MomMom.


Vicki Banta said...

Thank you so much for playing! I totally agree Jon's easy-going personality is such an encouragement to be around. Adrian, you are absolutely a delight, Jesus just pours out of you! I'd love for you to play the violin for the girls sometime! I definitely think you should pick that thing back up! I keep thanking the Lord He brought The McNamaras to Miles City the exact same year He brought the Bantas. It was a divine appointment!

Adrian said...

Thank you and AMEN!