Friday, November 30, 2007

"Light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun." Ecc.11:7

....EXCEPT when you have been to the eye doctor and he dilates your eyes so that sunlight is so bright that you are expecting searing pain at any moment.
I recently went for an eye exam to have my prescription adjusted and I actually chuckled out loud and had to explain myself because of a comedian's routine about visiting the eye doctor and having to choose between the two 'different' views which start to all look the same! The comedian is Brian Regan and he is HILARIOUS, if you haven't heard of him, you need to! (
Everyone we have listened to him with has belly laughed, he is really funny, without being nasty or crude. Our children love him also and can quote him, Nate can impersoNATE him very well. :)

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