Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ten Things Tuesday on...Thursday afternoon!~~(click here to link back to Ten Things hostess!)

  1. I am thankful for the peace and hope in my heart, placed there, graciously, by my sweet Lord Jesus.
  2. I am thankful for the health that my family enjoys. We are healthy, strong and able-bodied people. Praise God.
  3. I have learned, from so many friends who have sleep issues, to be thankful for a good night's sleep! Amen!
  4. I am deeply thankful for the Lord teaching how sweet it is to rise at an early hour and meet with Him. Thank You, Lord.
  5. I am thankful, during these cold winter days, for a garage to park in and a vehicle with working heat!
  6. I do have to say I am thankful for my morning cup of java. I love me some foo-foo coffee!
  7. I am thankful that for most of my time as a mother I have been able to be a home-maker, at home with my babies is where I love to be!
  8. I am thankful for my man, who the other night cleaned up the kitchen and put the chil'ns to bed while I sat at the computer and filled out one those forwards with all the questions you answer and then send on to all your 'lucky' friends!
  9. I am thankful for the precious friends that God places around me to bless me, teach me, and show me His love.
  10. I am thankful that it was nice enough today to drop my kids off when we were halfway home because they wanted to walk!!


Vicki Banta said...

I am thankful for you, sweet Adrian! I really had a nice time this morning! Your thankful list is awesome!

Mrs. Brownstone @ XBOX Wife said...

Hi! Thanks for joining in the thanksgiving! If you don't mind, link back to me in your post as well so maybe others can find it and join in, too!

Thanks again - love your list! It's the reverse here. Our kids wanted to go outside because the weather finally got bad! It snowed on Thursday after being in the high 70's last Saturday!