Saturday, March 8, 2008

Taking a Break

It has come to my attention, due to a couple recent events (in a long line of many similar events), that I am not a good homemaker. I was finally struck today, with the fact that I not only could do much better, but I must!
The most recent events may seem fairly small, but they were the straw that broke the camel's back for me. And suddenly I realized, I don't put forth much effort. My husband is a most amazing sort, he hardly ever asks a thing of me, he doesn't complain, he often pitches in to help, and he continually encourages and affirms me. How do a treat such a prince? Well, I take advantage of his kindnesses, of course! And it really must stop.... so, I am taking a leave of absence from email and blogging and web/blog-surfing, etc.! I am going to put 100% more effort into making a home. Laundry kept up, house kept clean and tidy, dinners made.
I am so thankful to be able to be home, and in the near future, may not be able to be, so I must take advantage of being here!
Thanks for your support and patience with me as I strive to be a better wife and mother to the precious beings I have been blessed with!
And special thanks to my super-patient husband. (Why has this begun to sound like an acceptance speech...?)He is Superman. No regular guy could do that.
Love, Adrian


davec777 said...

I am sure you are making the right decision. God will honor your desire to put your family first =) I have been trying to do something similar here. (((HUGS)))

Casa of Corn said...

Very understandable! Love Shon

Mrs. Brownstone @ XBOX Wife said...

Well, I'm sad to have just found you and so quickly you're taking a break, but that being said...I admire your decision so much, and there are probably many women who can relate and might even join in. Enjoy your time in reconnecting with your family in this way; God will bless you for it! If you ever need to sneak on for a moment, please come join in "Ten Things Tuesday" again anytime! I've got a "Mr. Linky" now!