Sunday, September 21, 2008

We went to a Beth Moore conference this weekend!

Vicki, Heather, deAmbra, Esther.
Wow, I don't know where to start. ..It was g-r-e-a-t!
We learned about being noble and being a fool. We learned about spending enough time with the Lord to be able to be a benefit to others. That He must be our shelter, our stream in the desert, our shade and only then, can we be those things to others. (Isaiah 32:1-8)
We had blessedly glorious worship time....and we drank it in.
And we had some sweet girl time.
We talked about how blessed we are to have sweet husbands willing to let us get away and to take care of the little ones for us. THANK YOU, Husbands!
What a loving God we have.


Vicki Banta said...

It was totally great! Even the welcome home was wonderful! I enjoyed sooo much, my overdue time with you! You are a benefit to me!! Love Ya!

davec777 said...

Isn't Beth Moore amazing? I just feel so blessed after going to her conferences. Glad you & your buddies had such a great time!

Bwynnie said...

I was so excited thinking about you being at the conference with your friends. Since I had been with my friends just a while ago, I knew what a blessed and exciting time it would be. So,so happy that you were able to go!! Lots o' Love!