Sunday, June 21, 2009

A fun pic.... AND HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!

We had the Dighans family over last night for dinner and this is the crew, minus their newest little daughter just about a month ago, and us, the parents. :) It is great how all of these children get along so well and like each other. We had a very nice visit! Names: (starting with our Jacob, lower left and going clockwise) Jacob Mc-10yr, Summer D-10yr, Ellie Mc-8yr, Jayna D-12yr, Easton D-2yr, Nate Mc-13yr, Luke D- 8yr, Logan D-6yr, Phoebe Mc-6yr, and Alena D-4yr at the bottom center. Their newborn baby daughter is named Jaqueline Beth. Sorry didn't get any other pics!


Nate is second only to Daddy as best scrambled egg chef, so I asked him to work his magic for Daddy's Father's Day breakfast in bed!

Here's what's on the menu; Nate's fabulous scrambled eggs, grapes, cinnamon rolls, and Daddy and Nate's new love, Jimmy Dean's Pancake & Sausage on a stick, with a bowl of maple syrup to dip it in, and a glass of chocolate milk!

AAWWWWWwwwww..... How cute is that!!!


B.D.Riehl said...

Cute:) Um...was that glass once a dried beef container? If so - I totally have a collection! If, nevermind. Love you!!!

Bwynnie said...

I am so proud to be the GranMomMom of this group. This is a wonderful picture...beautiful smiles. xox