Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Glorious Saturday Morn... (and a bit more)

The Delicious waffles my children's Daddy makes.

The typical mealtime dogs' posture... Daisy the good and obedient, Chewy, the pathetic beggar.

Jacob and best friend, Kail.

Jacob and I LOVE our berry syrup, he is having strawberry this am, to give me the last of our fav, boysenberry. So sweet. XO

Short bus smile. :)

Yay! I got a real smile on Natey!

Phoebe, the beast, tried to insist Daddy make both pancakes and waffles, after she couldn't convince him to make pancakes for her. (He decided to make waffles b/c the last several times he has made pancakes, so don't pity her! ;)

So, Ellie just tickles my heart. She is at such a fun, pre-adolescent age. She delights in being a girl, a female through and through. She often comes up in the morning, hair tousled and some treasure of the day. Today it was her rainbow slinky and Hello, Kitty purse. I had to ask her to show me what treasures were chosen to fill it!

Her Disney princess Ipod, Hello, Kitty watch, castle shaped playing cards, a bouncy ball, and, of course, what girl goes anywhere with out her... lipgloss! Two shades, by the way, because it depends on a girl's mood, which can change in a moment! :) Oh, and a cute little empty container of butter extract.

What has been the most popular past time with my children this past week, the first week out of school, I might add? Playing...wait for! HA! Love it!

My man-child mowing the lawn. I am in a sort of awe of him these days....

And a wholly different kind of awe comes over us at times with this one. ;-) Quite a character.


Bwynnie said...

Oh Adrian,please never tire of doing this blog! You have made our day! Love, Mom & Dad

Vicki Banta said...

So cute! We love boysenberry syrup, too! We adore your whole family! Even the dogs!! Have a great week!