Thursday, September 15, 2011

Diary of Our Home-Schooling

School has begun! 
Jacob is in 7th and at the Middle School. He is adjusting well and plowing ahead. He ran for class rep and won! He is participating in Builder's Club(which is the middle school's Key Club) and he is planning to be the volleyball team manager. He also is playing FOOTBALL, #58! :) It is going to be a busy year for him and he knows his grades are first priority. (*prayer appreciated*)
Nate is a sophomore in high school. He is in drivers ed through the middle of November and while in driver's ed, we are supposed to let him drive us around to log his parent supervised 50 hours! 50 hours of a teenager driving us around. Yah. However, he is already improving from the first few when I said to myself, please let us arrive safely and please let me not throw-up from motion sickness. Not really joking with you at all there. :)(prayer appreciated...again) He is also taking piano lessons again and this year we are going to pay him to give the girls their lessons! (...yah, prayer requested there too!)

And the girls! The girls are in 5th and 3rd grade and we are home-schooling this year. It is going wonderfully, we started when school started. And today they helped me at lunch time to get a couple of roasters put in the crockpot for dinner, which I plan on making part of school. Meal planning, cooking, etc. They are already bonding more with each other as we hoped this year would help with and my relationship with them is much improved as well. Last year was a bit of a strain in some ways and my hope was that this time together would strengthen our relationship before the teen years threatened destruction. Only slightly joking there. (and again, prayer appreciated! :)

I am planning to have them post on the blog for you and for fun as well. Different things we do and things they are learning. So hang in there and stay tuned!

1 comment:

Bwynnie said...

We loved reading this and the picture is sooooo great! Keep up the good work! We love you lots and lots and are very, very proud of each of you! xox Daddad & Gran