Sunday, January 13, 2008

Kudos to Life Cereal!!

I am so proud of the latest Life cereal commercials about life with more children.

"Life might be easier with less kids, but it wouldn't be this much fun!"

I love my life with four children, it is a blessing and a blast. Of course, it is crazy and usually pretty loud (except when they are sleeping :)and especially to those with fewer or no children! And there are times when I just look around and think, 'What in the world?', but I wouldn't change it for anything. My chil'ns are wonderful, sweet, adorable, hilarious, smart, amazing precious beings that I will never be able to thank God fully for. He has used them in countless ways to change and grow me~Praise God! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
How many children we have is often not our choice, but it's how we live with what we are given that counts. And to my precious friends and family that have less please let there be no offense taken. I have heard from most, if not all, of my friends with three or more children that they have received comments about the number of children they have, that is the reason for this post, not by any means, in any way,to slam any of you. I love you!~~~~~~~~
A year or so after Phoebe was born I remembered that early in our marriage, I said to John that I would like to have four children, he was with me, he wanted them to be just a couple of years apart. And ,in my daydreaming, I took it too far and daydreamed about the perfect combination and arrangement of boys and girls...John wouldn't even discuss it with me (because it was a pointless discussion!). Then we got on the roller coaster of life and pregnancies both unexpected (how could they be unexpected when we had dreamed of four children, two years apart?!?) and planned (only once were we 'ready' and started trying to get pregnant, expecting it to take several months~ one month later, Jacob is on the way!), children, moving, ups and downs of life. And I didn't realize until after Phoebe, that...Hey, I got what I asked for! Four children, two boys first and then two girls, all two years apart~ Wow! Thank you Lord, for giving me a dream that You were going to fulfill! What a sweet blessing!

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