Friday, January 18, 2008

Sweet Hallelujahs!

(Mom - note she is looking at the album that you gave me, she loves it and looks at it all of the time!)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Phoebe is so excited, she has become part of God's family! We have been visiting about it for a while and praying for her. Yesterday, she and I were sitting at Jacob and Ellie's school, waiting for them to get out, and 'Long Black Train', by Josh Turner, came on the radio (Mom Mc will appreciate that!). She asked why he was singing not to get on the train, and when you go to hell do you have to stay there? Then she said, that's why we be good so we don't go to hell, right? I answered, no, if we believe Jesus died for us and saved us from the punishment for our sins, if we thank Him for being our Savior and ask Him to come into our heart, then we don't go to hell. She said, oh, good, I do believe that. I said, good, well, have you prayed about it, and talked to God about it?, She answered, no, I better do that right now! And she did! :) Hurray and Hallelujah! Then we had a very sweet conversation about how fast the Holy Spirit comes and that He doesn't have to leave Ellie's heart to come into hers. And she is so excited to be part of God's family, this morning she asked Nate is he was part of God's family, then she asked me if Jacob was. Then Ellie asked me if I had prayed and asked Jesus into my heart! :) Praise and thank You, Beloved Lord Jesus!


Casa of Corn said...

Awesome possum! Welcome to God's family little Pheebs! That makes a Mama's heart so full of joy it almost explodes!
Adrian, I love your blog, you are doing such a great job-- so professional. I'm still on training wheels when it comes to blogging, but I've only tried it once now--which doesn't really mean anything. I have to learn your secrets,will you bless me with your fountain of Blog knowledge? It was so nice to see all of you during the Christmas break and your parents too! God bless you all and keep you warm in Montana. Love Shon

Vicki Banta said...

Congratulations little cutie!! It thrills me to hear you are a Princess in God's Kingdom!! Can't wait to give you hug!
Adrian, thanks again for being an emergency back up! The kids had fun and I owe you big time!

Gran and Daddad said...

We are so happy for you, Phoebe! God is soooo good! Love, Gran and Daddad