Friday, April 25, 2008

This one hit me right between the eyes! (Click here to go to Site)

"Hey, you most darling of all Siestas! I hope you guys are doing well and seeing some fresh revelations of Jesus in His Word and in the blooming Spring. In my own quiet time this morning out on my back porch, God spoke to me about getting the "full measure" (those are the two words I kept hearing in my spirit) of God out of every trial or season. In other words, if I have to be in it, I want every drop of God I can get out of it. Milk that thang, Girls. Milk that thang. He didn't allow you to be in that situation for nothing. " ~Beth Moore

1 comment:

Tess Cormell said...

adrian! thank you for all your comments! they are such encouragement to keep writing! actually i LOVE my blog and i'd do it even if no one else read a word of it!

and yes, just so you know, i am at a place of peace. i never learned to do all these things because i too was married and he just took care of everything! just this spring i have come to the point of not being MAD at him for making me do all these things myself. what a difference my attitude has made! i am looking at it as an opportunity and an adventure--even though I'm praying i won't have to use my talents much longer! this quote you've posted hit me square on too so thanks for posting it! i might not have seen it otherwise!

speaking of beth, my mom bought us tickets to go see beth at the grove next month! i have no idea what she'll be talking about but i don't care! i just love her and i'm so excited to see her in person!

i did notice your wonder woman theme song! love it! might have to steal your idea!