Sunday, March 15, 2009

Aren't people amazing?

I find myself constantly amazing by the things people say.... I am guilty, surely more often than I even realize, and I could share some of my 'the time I said something stupid' stories, but it is much more fun to tell other people's stories and laugh and shake our heads...pretending we would never say anything so completely devoid of intelligent thought. (Devoid; not possessing, untouched by, void, or destitute) HA! I know you know what it means but the definition drives my point home. :)
Yesterday, I was working at our coffee shop deli and a lady came in, who was just passing through, as became glaringly apparent. She ordered her latte and then snickered as she was leaving, "Cowboys drink coffee?"
The girl I was working with is very sweet, she is bright and bubbly, I am sure there are few who don't like her. Well, she was fired up. Just because we live here we are all cowboys and cowboys are too...whatever? to drink coffee? First of all, I know they do drink coffee, b/c I have been reading Louis L'Amour(so there, haha) and those tough ol' boys drink something a site closer to coffee than what this lady had ordered...full of milk and flavored syrup. Second, out of all of the people we have met that live here, I can only think of a couple who actually ARE 'cowboys' or ranchers. (And who knows, maybe they do like coffee, and when I say coffee now, I am talking about lattes) The rest of the people we have met here are just like the city-folk only we live in a small town. We don't ride a horse to work, or only drink...I don't know what stereotype she was even referring to! "Cowboys drink coffee?" What in the world... beg yer pardon, w'sure do, maam, 'scuse me fer smellin' like cows an' all. Y'know we ain't got runnin' water an' I gots to get down to the creek an' warsh up so's I can build me a fire an' rustle up sum grub. I'm plumb empty. No, we ain't got none o' that there city coffee, t'ain't good 'nuff fer us, y'know. Sure, thanks fer gracin' us with yer presence. Well, yup maybe one day we will get 'nuff educatin' an' "drink coffee," but I can't say as I'd bet on it.
Y'all come back now, y'hear!


B.D.Riehl said...

Hahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! That is outrageous!!! Nice take on it, though; love the accent. Oh that's too funny.

Tess Cormell said...

oh my! you are fired up! gotta tell you, growing up in cascade i encountered the same sort of thing! someone once asked me if the girls in cascade shaved their legs! hang in there cowgirl!

Amy and Cole said...

LOL That's crazy!!! I love the end, I just don't think that I could have been courteous, I think I would have said it all right outloud! I had someone come up to me the other day and ask if we were allowed to go outside if we lived on the base.....I just stared at them and asked why we wouldn't be able to go outside....They looked at me and said "Well because of all the jets and guns...." I just had to turn around and walk away...... lol! Some people! But I really like your story MUCH better!

Vicki Banta said...

That tickled my funny bone. I didn't know you had that in ya! I'm proud of you for being so protective of "our" little 'ol town!