Sunday, August 30, 2009

How do you know? to start....where to start...
I remember when the babies were young and my friends with older children would say to enjoy that time because when they are older it is a different kind of difficult. When they are young, it is physically tiring. As they get older, the wearying happens on your heart. Who is it that says, when you have a child, its like having your heart walk around outside your body. Well, we have reached that point.
We now have to begin to watch our precious punkins, make choices in life that, for the most part, will affect them more than anything and at the same time shoot various sized darts into my heart. Ah, parenthood....
I so regret I was so self-focused at the beginning that I missed time that should have been poured into them. I wonder what all I missed in teaching, training , and loving on them to prepare them for life. I would completely crack under the stress, worry, and regret if not for my Almighty God! If He can do what He has done in my life in spite of me, then I know He can take care of my children in spite of what I have, or have not, done to them!
The more I have to let go, the more I pray, pray, pray.
Jesus said to her, 'Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?' John 11:40


John McNamara said...

Hi Babe,

You are a great mom to our children! I love you!


B.D.Riehl said...

I agree with John - you are an amazing mom. Thank you so much for sharing your heart. What a great thing for me to be thinking about in this season of my life. I love you and your faith inspires me.