p.s. as I was downloading clipart of sea billows rolling, I remembered, hey, we have family vacation pics at the ocean! So here you go.... as you can see, there are sea billows behind us and we are peaceful and joyful! :)You may say to yourself, well, its not the same, because you know the sea billows are no threat when you are standing so far inland, and i thought the same thing but then i realized, have security in that knowledge is actually a perfect demonstration of The Point, having security in the knowledge that God is in complete control and nothing is outside of His sovereignty.~~ This pic has Phoebe in the green shirt, Ellie in pink, and my sister in law, Amber's sister, Shiloh. We had this vacation in 2006, right before we moved to MT.
Here is my sister in law, Amber, and I
hi, MTMACS blog readers!Again, I have read something that struck me and I am posting it here so I can read it again and so you can read it! It is an emailed devo that I subscribe to, let me know what you think....
"... so that you, your children and their children after them may fear the LORD your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life" (Deut 6:1-2).The title of the article, Find Purpose, Live Longer, caught my eye. It was a report on numerous studies all of which have verified that finding something more in your life can mean a big health boost. You can add years to your life by adding life to your years. Insurance company studies show that if someone retires to something rather than from something, they live on the average three times longer.The article pointed out many ways in which people can add zest to their lives, but the most intriguing to me was the aspect of religion. More than 2,200 studies have been done in this area and the conclusion is that believing in a higher power can boost more than just the spirit. While scientists still don't have a dependable method for measuring faith, research shows that people who attend church, at least four times a month are less likely to engage in risky behavior, be depressed, or feel chronic stress. The faithful live longer, too..... an average for seven to fourteen years longer and the most regular attendees have the longest life expectancy.A Duke University study of 2391 people who were at least 65 years old found that regular churchgoers who also prayed daily or studied the Bible daily were 40 per cent less likely to have high blood pressure than those who did not. Elderly churchgoers had better mental health and were less likely to have high degrees of a protein associated with age-related illness.The reasons for this are not hard to understand. It's not from just being in church. Churchgoers generally are much more restrained when it comes to many problem-causing areas of modern society. Born-again Christians also have God's Holy Spirit dwelling in them to help them avoid the problem areas of life. And because they know they can always turn to God in prayer during times of crisis, this may be the reason there is a lower incidence of stress-related problems in their lives
.So, if you want to be healthier and live longer, attend church, read the Bible, listen to God in prayer and as you go about your daily routine hum that great hymn written by H. G. Spafford..... "When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul." � � ( a thought on life from John Grant )
Father God,Draw me into Your presence daily and help me hunger and thirst for the things that will bring me closer to You. Thank you for not only the physical benefits this can bring to my body, but also for the spiritual joy it will bring to my soul. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
Questions: Do you have purpose in your life? How are you finding peace for your soul?
I love you! Have a great day! xoxo~Adrian
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