Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Birthday Lists...

Well, we have made up a calender and are counting down to the girls' birthdays, and they are coming up fast. I thought you might like to read their lists. The list- making was inspired by Jacob when his crept up on us. So, Ellie got right on the bandwagon(her birthday is Aug 23rd) and pretty soon Nate was in on it (even though his isn't 'til December, what the hey, right?). Phoebe decided she better make one too (her 6th birthday is Aug. 13th). However, when I found out that she had a kitty on her list I was afraid she might not grasp the fun, wonder-ment and w-i-s-h-fulness of a birthday list. So, we talked about how the list is for helping people with ideas and some things you might not get but is is mostly for fun anyway. She was very upset to find that her wishlist wasn't more of a grocery list where you put things on the list that you want/need and people get the things for you and when she heard she would probably not get a kitty, she crumpled up her list and threw it away! So, I will have to do some brain-storming for you there... but first, I will share Ellie's list with you;

*Heelies, or walmart's Spinners, shoes with wheels, you know.

*Easy Bake Oven

*Butterfly House from commercial

*Butterfly net


*A real baby cat (here is one of the WISHlist items, please do not consider :)


*and more soap making supplies

and yesterday we had a chat about how she would like to take a dance or gymnastics class. I asked her what she thought about putting that on her list so that instead of some of the gifts, people might just pitch in towards a unitard and a class. She was very up for that and would really like to take a class. SO there you go!

Also, she has requested that we have separate parties this year, she said she would like to have a cake of her own with just her name on it. Sounds fair doesn't it? She said she talked to Gran about it on the phone and she understands. I said well, of course she does and I do also. So, separate parties it is!Oh! And this morning I was receiving instructions/requests for the party. Could it be a surprise party? Where will the gifts go? Will there be streamers and balloons? Can the people hide the presents and could the people hide? Did you put my birthday list on the computer yet?

okay, so now I am a little anxious about my going- to- be- 8 year old's birthday this year. I hope it is up to her expectations!


Now for The Pheebs...

she likes games, she likes notebooks and pens, stuffed animals, hats. She loves to ride her bike, maybe stuff for her bike, like a basket and bell, a flag. Maybe outside stuff, like a fun sprinkler, kids yard tools, etc.

Love to you ALL!


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