Saturday, July 26, 2008

I Made My Son Laugh Last Night!

I thought of a couple of other funny titles for this post but this one takes it because its the best part of the story!

Thursday night I made a dinner like I should every night, turkey breast, potatoes (cheated with a box of instant sour cream and onion, but hey, give me a break), rice, corn. My husband was happy. Then last night, (stay with me here!) we planned to ride our bikes to meet John at the snow shack when he was off work. So we were sitting there eating our pink, orange, brown (root beer flavored), and yellow (banana) snow and John says, what's for dinner? And I answered with a sigh(and a bit of a whiney voice), "I just made dinner last night." And (this is the best part!) Nate cracked up!

Why does this stand out to me? He is a generally fun-loving, witty, happy kid. He has been laughing and splitting his cute face with big smiles since he was a month old! But, we are seeing many signs of him entering the frightening teen years (this December he will be 13), surliness, defensiveness, causing trouble with his siblings, argumentative...okay I will stop, I am sure I already crossed a line there and lost some of your sympathies to his defense! He is a precious, great kid and I exalt in the glimpses I see of his heart. Which brings me full circle to the reason for this post... I love his sweet smile and laugh, and I, myself, get the kudos for bringing a chuckle out of him. It was great! Just wanted to share that with you!
Love you!
Adrian ~xoxo!

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